Abrau-Durso Group represented by its subsidiary AzAbrau LLC won the privatization tender for the purchase of Sheki Sharab wine factory in the Shaki District of Azerbaijan with a capacity of 2.6 million bottles per year. Abrau-Durso will invest more than EUR 2,334,000 in the development of the enterprise in accordance with its investment program approved by the tender commission.
The Shaki district, where the winery is located, is part of the famous Alazani Valley, spreading along the southern foothills of the Caucasus Mountains in the territory of Georgia and Azerbaijan. The winery’s production capacity allows to reach an output of 2.6 million bottles of wine per year. The winery was opened in 2008 and is fitted with modern European equipment.
In Azerbaijan’s famous wine-making region, Abrau-Durso plans to produce elite, as well as dessert wines. In the nearest future, it is going to plant its own vineyards. Of particular interest are the local autochthonous Madrasa and Bayanshira varieties, native to the region.
At the moment, Azerbaijan has enough raw materials to expand production. The country’s authorities are interested in the entry of local wine into the international market, so they provide all-round support to winemakers. The implementation of Azerbaijan’s state program for the development of winemaking provides for a rise in local wine exports by five times before 2025.
Abrau-Durso Group plans to export the wines produced by Sheki Sharab wine factory primarily to Russia. Besides, thanks to Azerbaijan’s preferential trade agreement with Turkey, opportunities are opening up for shipments to that country.
“This is another important step for us to expand our geography and implement our strategy to enter international markets. Azerbaijan is a famous winemaking region. The stunning terroir of the Alazani Valley is known all over the world. The development of winemaking here is largely helped by unique mild climate. The Caucasus Mountains prevent frosts from penetrating into Azerbaijan. The hot but not arid summer allows grapes to fully ripen. Local varieties of grapes are distinctive and unique in taste. We see great prospects in the export potential of wines produced here,” Pavel Titov, Abrau-Durso Group President, commented on the event.